Preparation F19


  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19
  • Preparation F19

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Preparation F19


160 pages
110 178 12mm, 500 copies

ISBN 9781916002425


160 pages
110 178 12mm, 500 copies
ISBN 9781916002425

Preparation for 1017-ALYX-9SM is a seasonal series that explores narratives around the various ‘acts of preparing’ leading up the Alyx show in Paris, this edition focuses on Haruka Hirata and the process of Ikebana for the Paris presentation. Photographed by Esther Theaker and art-directed by OK-RM it is the result of a close collaboration both in the shoot and edit. Featuring 160 images: 120 in double-black and 40 colour plates with a silk-screened white cover and embossed textured dust-jacket.